
作为变革教育的领导者, 电子游戏软件旨在帮助学生的成长和教育,使他们走上为他人服务的道路. The 通信部门 mission models this goal as it is committed to the intellectual and ethical development of analytical and creative communication skills in our students, 特别强调通信电路的有效运作, 技术创新对人类和制度的影响, 以及通过这种互动发展起来的权力关系.

传播系的荣誉课程针对的是优秀的传播系专业学生, 定义为总GPA为3分的学生.70或以上. 荣誉课程提供较小的班级规模,允许更集中的讨论和教师与学生的互动. 荣誉课程也将比非荣誉课程更严格,可能包括额外的阅读, 书面作业或考试. 在荣誉课程的学生将完成一篇论文,以便正式毕业与部门的荣誉. 参加荣誉课程的学生自动有资格成为Lambda Pi Eta的会员, 全国传播荣誉协会. 关于Lambda Pi Eta的问题可以直接问Michael Serazio教授, 该组织电子游戏软件分会的主任. Questions about eligibility or other aspects of the department’s honors program can be directed to Professor Celeste Wells, Director of the 通信部门 荣誉项目 or the Coordinator of the 通信部门 荣誉项目.

要被邀请参加荣誉课程,学生的总GPA必须达到3分.70或以上 at the conclusion of their freshman year (summer courses will be counted if taken for BC graded credit). 学生将在春季注册之前的大二秋季学期被邀请参加该计划.



秋季学期: 电子游戏软件资格通知(春季学期课程电子游戏软件前通知).70 GPA或以上. 因为学生学业状况的潜在变化(成绩变化), 出国留学, 转移, 等.)通知可以在大一夏季和大二秋季之间的任何时间收到.

春季学期: 学生将学习COMM 3335 -通信方法:荣誉(代替COMM3330或COMM3340).


秋季或春季学期学生将报名参加COMM 4475 -介绍荣誉. 这将被视为标准专业要求的两门写作研讨会之一.

出国留学须知: Students who plan to 出国留学 during fall or spring semester of junior year should plan to complete COMM4475 – Introduction to Honors in the alternate semester (i.e., 如果学生计划在秋季学期出国留学, 他们将在返回BC的春季学期学习COMM4475). If a student plans to study for a full year abroad it is not possible to complete the 沟通 荣誉项目.


秋季学期学生将学习COMM 4961 -荣誉论文. 本课程是标准专业必修的三门通讯选修课之一.

提交论文的最后期限是秋季学期的第一个学习日. 教师 advisors and student writers should be in clear communication prior to this deadline so that the advisor’s exact specifications and revisions are fully incorporated by this date.


除了GPA要求之外,被邀请参加这个项目, students must complete (or take concurrently) the required introductory courses in the communication major (marked with a *) before beginning the honors program. 荣誉课程要求的课程数量与标准通信专业相同, 然而,有三门课程只针对荣誉课程(标有a +),并取代标准课程. 学生必须在所有荣誉课程中获得a -或更高的成绩才能继续参加该计划.

  • 修辞学传统(COMM1010)*
  • 大众传播调查(COMM1020)*
  • 公共演讲(COMM1030)*
  • 人际沟通(COMM1040)*
  • 他们选择的一门理论课程
  • 沟通方式:荣誉(COMM3335)+ must be taken Sophomore Spring; replaces standard methods
  • 荣誉入门(COMM4475)+ must be taken either semester Junior year; replaces one writing intensive
  • 荣誉论文(COMM4961)+ must be taken Senior Fall; replaces one communication elective
  • 另选一门写作强化课程
  • 另选两门通讯选修课<李> / < / ul >


登记参加指定的荣誉小组, students who have been invited to join the honors program must directly contact the Coordinator of the 通信部门 荣誉项目. 这些部分的注册将由部门许可. The Coordinator of the 通信部门 荣誉项目 will verify that students enrolling in their honors seminar are on the list of eligible honors students for the coming semester.

注意:因为荣誉课程注册人数有限, 学生应尽快联系传播系荣誉课程协调员. 报名先到先得.   

注意:在学生的课程表上出现荣誉课程之前,可能需要注册其他课程. Students are advised to keep the scheduled time of the honors section open once enrollment has been approved by the Coordinator of the 通信部门 荣誉项目. 参加冲突课程的学生不能保证在认可的荣誉课程中获得一席之地.

Lambda Pi Eta全国传播荣誉协会

电子游戏软件有一个国家传播荣誉协会Lambda Pi Eta分会. Students who complete departmental honors will automatically be inducted into this society (unless they choose not to be). 在大三的春天, Serazio教授, Lambda Pi Eta主席, 为这个荣誉社团组织信息会议吗. 入会者会收到绶带和会员证书.


请联系项目主任,塞莱斯特·韦尔斯教授 天蓝色.wells@oaklandhillsrealestate.com,询问有关该计划的任何问题. 如果您对课程注册有疑问, 请联系部门顾问克里斯汀·哈特内特 克里斯汀.hartnett@oaklandhillsrealestate.com.



有奖励吗?, 我在考虑做论文电子游戏正规平台时应该考虑的奖学金或奖项?

Yes, check out 电子游戏软件’s website regarding all of the available opportunities for you to further expand your academic research. 

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/沟通/ honors-program-faq / search-tags / are-there-awards,-fellowships-or-prizes-i-should-look-at-when-thinking-about-doing-my-thesis-research -
我可以完成一个特殊的项目吗.e. (一部纪录片)作为我的荣誉论文?

The 通信部门 accepts only traditional, bound theses in a paper format. 详情请参阅“论文指引”.


Federal regulations and University Policy require prospective review and approval of all human subject research conducted by faculty, staff, or students. The 电子游戏软件 Institutional Review Board (IRB) should review all research proposals. More information is available here.


Students can complete a semester or summer abroad program and still complete the honors program. Students who plan to 出国留学 during fall or spring semester of junior year should plan to complete COMM4475 – Introduction to Honors in the alternate semester (i.e., 如果学生计划在秋季学期出国留学, 他们将在返回BC的春季学期学习COMM4475). If a student plans to study for a full year abroad it is not possible to complete the 沟通 荣誉项目.

我学的是双学位. 我可以完成两个专业的荣誉课程吗?

This is a decision you should make after carefully discussing the honors programs in both of your majors with your advisor and/or the directors of the honors program. Generally speaking you will not be able to “double-count” a thesis for both majors and thus you need to closely research your options and determine what will be the best choice for you.

我是三年级的学生.7日平均绩点. 我可以参加荣誉课程吗?

Unfortunately, 荣誉课程必须在大二开始,以便在大四完成. 因此,获得3分的学生.大二秋季之后,7年级或以上的学生不能进入该项目.

我希望在两个专业、实习、出国留学和荣誉项目之间取得平衡. 你认为这可能吗?

Every student is different in their ability to prioritize, 在竞争需求下管理和发展. As an honors student it makes sense that you feel compelled to take full advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. Prior to undertaking a significant number of time-consuming and difficult responsibilities I encourage you to seek advice from 教职员工 that you trust. 理想的人是:你的顾问, 荣誉课程的主任, 或任何你重视其意见的BC社区成员. 试着记住,你的决定不应该仅仅基于做某事是否可能, 而是在你目前的智力水平下,它是否最适合你的目标, 心理, 社交和身体能力.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/沟通/ honors-program-faq / search-tags / i-am-hoping-to-balance-two-majors,实习,出国留学,-and-the-honors-program——do-you-think-this-is-possible
我在A区&年代的荣誉. 我也可以获得传播系荣誉吗?

These two honors designations are separate. 换句话说, 如果你完全完成了这两个项目的要求,你可能会在这两个项目中获得荣誉. 以A毕业&你有两种选择:不写论文就毕业,或者写论文就毕业. 作为A&荣誉手册指出, 如果你选择不写论文, 你必须参加两个惠普荣誉研讨会. 请与A联络&amp;S荣誉课程与任何有关此要求的查询. To graduate with 通信部门 Honors you must complete the requirements of departmental honors as outlined above.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/沟通/ honors-program-faq / search-tags /我&s-honors——can-i-also-receive-communication-department-honors

If you have completed research methods prior to an invitation to the program it will count as one of your electives but not as one of your required honors courses. 这样做的原因是荣誉方法直接为你在论文写作水平上的电子游戏正规平台做准备. 


The 通信部门 荣誉项目 promotes the productive collaboration between intellectually-driven students, 教职员工. It encourages an education in which students are challenged to think and write critically as well as develop an analytical sensibility regarding the role that ideological structures play in our ability to develop socially-just communication and, 因此, 社区.


Completing the 荣誉项目 will allow you to accomplish a number of things:

  • Develop practical, transferable skills in writing, research and analysis.
  • Create a tangible product represents a culmination of the intellectual work you have accomplished over your years at 电子游戏软件.
  • Develop productive and positive relationships similarly academically-oriented peers.
  • Develop close relationships with faculty.
  • Receive honors recognition&#39;你的成就可以列在你的简历上.