Retired Faculty

News & Notes

Note:  We have added a new section where we can highlight retired faculty activities.  These might include books, research papers, community service, volunteer work, or any other items that you think might be of interest to your retired faculty colleagues.  If you wish to have an item posted, send the information to Bob Taggart at

You can access this new section by selecting the menu called "Activities" at the top of this page.

REIMAGINING RETIREMENT.  There are a series of three Zoom sessions on different aspects of retirement to be hosted by AROHE (Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education) and Fidelity Investments. The overall title for the series is "Reimagining Retirement: Exploring Your Life Plan."

The three individual sessions, all of which begin at 1 PM (EST) and last for 75 minutes are:
1. Tuesday, January 30, 1 PM: "Reframing Your Identity."
2. Tuesday, February 13, 1 PM: "Reimagining Your Personalized Plan."
3. Tuesday, February 27, 1 PM: "Rebuilding Your Network."

If you are interested in tuning in to any or all of these sessions, please visit for more information and to register. The sessions are free and open to all. While BC is an AROHE member, you do not need any password or other login credentials to register. Please feel free to invite others whom  you think might be interested to register as well.


See your colleagues in person at the BCARF meetings.

The Boston College Association of Retired Faculty Program Meetings and Topical Seminar Meetings (see schedule below) will be held at 300 Hammond Pond Parkway in Newton.  This is also the location of the BCARF office.  The office is the first office on your left as you enter the building.  Faculty are welcome to use the resources there.  This room is also the site of the monthly Book Club meetings. 

Once again, a light buffet lunch will be served at both the the Program Meetings and the Topical Seminar Meetings. Lunch begins at 11:30 AM, followed by the meeting at noon.  We all look forward to once again seeing our colleagues in person. 

CATCH UP WITH YOUR COLLEAGUES.  The latest BCARF Newsletter covering events, meetings, and what your colleagues have been up to in 2022 is now available.  You can read it by clicking on the link provided here, or selecting the image in the Newsletter Section below.  Many thanks to Paul Spagnoli for another outstanding job putting together a great issue.  You are sure to enjoy it. 


The 2023 Retired Faculty Newsletter

2023-2024 Retired Faculty Programs, Seminars and Book Club Meetings

Program and Seminar Photo Galleries






The following pictures were taken by Marjorie Sardella. Marjorie also took hundreds of photos at BCARF events throughout the year. 

The first slideshow is from the Retired Faculty 2023 Banquet.

The second slideshow is a review of the retired faculty programs and activities in 2023.